The World Federation for Company Sport (WFCS) is a voluntary non-profit organization gathering national company sport or other federations taking care about company sport from all continents. These national federations are referent associations in their own countries to organize activities related to company sport. Most of these federations’ members are companies that differ in their size, form, and activity.Company sport covers all types of sport and physical activities that can be organized by and within a company.
WFCS is a recent organization as the federation was created on 2nd June 2014 after several contacts have been developed between European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS) President, Didier Beyssere, and company sport organisations in Asia. The ceremony took place in Wiesbaden (Germany) in the halls of the Chancellery, under the high patronage of Mr Volker BOUFFIER, Minister President of the Land. International representatives from company sport federation were present during this moment, the first official one for a worldwide company sport.

This federation aims to promote the development of worldwide company sport. Core missions are mainly about:
- Strengthening human and cultural contacts across national borders through sport.
- Promoting regular physical activity within companies.
- Emphasizing the recreational and health enhancing character of grassroots sport.
Values and topics area of the federation are health and well-being enhancement, togetherness, non- discrimination, ecological awareness, equality, social inclusion and relationships.
Related to management, corporate culture, health, social responsibility, individual and collective performance topics, physical activity and company sport are today a clear and adapted answer to companies and employees’ issues.
The WFCS’s targets are multiple. Sport activities concern as heart targets both active and retired employees as well as publics that are most often forgotten by sport offering: youth, women and disabled people. They are from companies affiliated to the WFCS through their national federations for company sport.

- Organization of sport events.
- World Company Sport Games with Summer Games in even years and Winter Games in odd years. - Organization of a wide spectrum of sport events initiated by national federations under the WFCS patronage.
- Organization of conferences and workshops on themes related to company sport and health and well-being at work; company sport and performance, sport and social inclusion.
- Exchange of regular and systematic information on initiatives and good practices taken in company sport across national borders.
- Representation of company sport national federations at world level.

"Company sport needs to be everyday more visible, clear and legible, to exist at national level, we need to be present at the scale of the continent and for that purpose, we need to develop and organise company sport at international level."
- Didier Beyssere